Readership Profiles For Leading Magazines

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The readership profile of a magazine helps to establish the magazine’s circulation and rates. This helps increase productivity and  practicability rates in the industry and gives the creators an idea of what’s working and what’s not.

I have done some research into readership profiles and surveys and all top magazine brands feature information regarding readership on their websites.

‘Q’s website features a readership survey that conveys the readership and themes of the magazine:

Readership Survey taken from

Q’s readership survey shows that the “audience is composed of passionate, engaged and open minded music fans”, with 68% ABC1 and a gender ratio of 75/25% (M/F).

Rolling Stone magazine’s website also featured a readership profile of a lot more detail:

Readership Profile of Rolling Stone Magazine Rolling Stone magazine gives much more thorough information in their readership profile; giving information such as the ethnicity, value of their home, no. of children, average income and age of their average readership. This sort of readership information makes it much, much easier to create a magazine that’s perfectly shaped and moulded to the benefit of those that will be reading it – thus making it a more successful and profitable magazine.

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